Wipro fires 300 employees for moonlighting. What is moonlighting?  Why it is rampant in IT? Is it even legal? Let's Find Out

While speaking in AIMA's National Management Convention Rishad Premji, Chairman of Wipro said that  Wipro fired 300 employees  for 'Moonlighting'  under 'act of integrity violation

Wipro discovered that 300 of its employees were working with one of its competitor at the same time.  Premji terminated their services for violation of integrity. 

Covid-19 pandemic forced people to work from home for 2 long years. IT employees took this opportunity to take Freelance work, Projects and other part time work after their regular Job timing

 Infosys in their Internal Email has already warned  employees that Dual Lives is not permitted.  People involved in Dual employment will be terminated as per Code of conduct handbook

Recenly SWIGGY allowed their employees to take Dual employment under some Terms and Conditions.  Anand Mahindra of Mahindra Group also welcomed such disruption.  

There are no Legal rules about Dual Employment in India. People are allowed to do whatever they want to do after Office hours Companies can set HR policies to tackle such issue. 

Is moonlighting Good OR Bad?  Ethically Moonlighting is considered as 'Bad' Professionally it is Wrong on every front. But same Moonlighting has created many Entrepreneurs in IT industry

Employers OK if  Employees are pursuing their hobbies, becoming part of a Band or Volunteering for NGOs etc. on Weekend But Dual Employment in the Same Sector is NOT ALLOWED.